
Wednesday, March 24, 2010


 I have had this elephant cut out and ready to be sewn together for months but I ran into some problems. Basically the pattern that I got for the elephant was horrible. Nothing lines up properly and when you need it to line up that can cause some issues. Also there are darted seams to create the bottom of the elephant so he sits down but the pattern only told me to make ONE seam. My mother went over to our neighbor who just so happens to sew a lot and asked her about it and she fixed the seams for me. I have now sewn it together and it’s completely adorable. I knew it would be. I’m going to edit the pattern so it works properly.

Also after cleaning and oiling my sewing machine really really well, it seems to be working. My current plans are to finish up my owls as well as to make two purses. I’m being paid to make one purse for a friend and the other I plan to put on Etsy along with my elephant and owls. I’m also being paid to make a pig for a friend. Once I get the fabric she wants for that I’ll be starting on it. Of course this is all after I finish my current project.

After all that, I’m going to make my quilt. Yay!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I spent a chunk of my day today painting. I’m not sure if it’ll turn out well since I’ve never been that fantastic with acrylic paint but we shall see. I’m better with oil paints but I really don’t have the room to set up an easel and everything. I just have to make due with what I have.

Loverboy and I went to look at another house last week. It was a pretty nice house. Needed lots of cleaning but other than that it seemed to be in good shape. He’s going to have his parents check it out and see what they think before he makes any final decisions.

I finally got all of my health insurance issues straightened out. Yay! I’m glad. I was starting to worry. A lot of things are going wrong with my body at this point. I really don’t want to have to pay all my medical bills myself.

I had an allergy test on Monday to see if I had any food allergies causing inflammation around my kidneys. I don’t. I am, of course, extremely severely allergic to grass, tress, dust, mold, and weeds. I knew that though. I’m going to start taking allergy shots again. He asked if I wanted to have them and I figured what the hell why now.

I have a urologist appointment next week. Perhaps he can figure out why I haven’t passed this kidney stone and why I have inflammation.

Here’s hopin’.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sew Troubling

My sewing machine is hating me right now. I’ve been wanting to buy a new one just to have a machine that has more stitch options but that’ll be a little while as I’ll have to save up a bit to get it. I have my eye on the Brother 6000i. From reading reviews, it seems to be a very good product for the price.

My sewing machine is currently breaking thread and losing the feed on the bottom thread. I thread it again and it just breaks again. I know it isn’t the thread. It’s good thread. I made sure of that because I was having this problem before. The thread sometimes gets caught within the machine.

Any ideas?

It gets pretty frustrating. I enjoy sewing but when I can’t get the machine to cooperate it makes me not want to sew much. Well, I still want to sew I just don’t want to deal with the frustration. Everything will be going fine but then the machine will screw up and I have to thread it again and again. I tried turning the tension down a bit. That helped for a little while until the bottom thread somehow stopped coming through.

I guess I shouldn’t expect much from the machine. I bought it at WalMart on Black Friday for 50 bucks. It’s not as if it’s a high quality machine. Companies tend to make cheap products to sell at rock bottom prices for that day. I just needed a bigger machine than what I had since I was using the Singer Pixie. The machine was working wonderfully for a while but now it wants to cause me problems.

Oh woe is me. On top of that, I’m sick and miserable. Lucky. Can’t even sew to take my mind off of the aching throat and inability to breathe. Poor me. haha

The abdomen pain turns out to be a kidney stone. Not only that but the CT scan showed inflammation in the tissue surrounding my organs likely caused by a chronic food allergy. So, now I get to go to a urologist and an allergy doctor. Yay!

I hope I’m not allergic to something good. lol